Receives the Camera Austria Award for Contemporary Photography by the City of Graz, Austria

The Camera Austria Award, which is awarded biennially, will be bestowed on Joanna Piotrowska in 2023. The jury founded their decision to honour Joanna Piotrowska with this award on the following statement:

“We are pleased to announce that Joanna Piotrowska has been selected as the recipient of the Camera Austria Award for Contemporary Photography by the City of Graz 2023. In making their decision, the jurors of this year’s prize responded to the artist’s ability to evoke the uncanniness of our relationships to our bodies, to architecture, and to one another. With a distinctive and recognizable visual language, Piotrowska’s images consistently make the experience of photography strange – an accomplishment that is all the more worthwhile for her masterful use of the medium. The jurors additionally highlighted the generative tension produced between Piotrowska’s black-and-white images, and her inventive installation techniques which, in engaging with color, consistently animate the experience of photography in new and unexpected compositions. The jury gave rigorous consideration to the equitable distribution of funding and the impact that this prize would have on its recipients’ practice and career. We look forward to seeing how the support and recognition offered by this award will influence the next chapters in Piotrowska’s already noteworthy body of work”.

Award Ceremony

6 Oct 2023, 6 pm
Exhibition space Camera Austria

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